Archive Policy

Archive Policy for Applied Health Administration (APPHA)

The Applied Health Administration (APPHA) journal is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of its published content. This Archive Policy outlines the measures taken to safeguard published articles and facilitate their continued availability for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.

1. Digital Preservation

  • Repository: All articles published in APPHA are archived in a secure digital repository to ensure long-term preservation. The repository is designed to protect against data loss and provides backup services to maintain the integrity of the published works.

  • DOI Registration: Each article published in APPHA is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to facilitate permanent access and citation. The DOI ensures that articles can be easily located and referenced in future research.

2. Open Access Availability

  • All articles published in APPHA are freely accessible under an open-access model, allowing users to read, download, and share the content without subscription fees or access barriers.

3. Content Backup

  • Regular backups of the journal's website and articles are conducted to prevent data loss and ensure that content remains accessible even in the event of technical issues or website disruptions.

4. Collaboration with Archiving Services

  • APPHA collaborates with recognized archiving services and platforms (such as CLOCKSS, Portico, or the Open Archives Initiative) to further ensure the preservation of its content. These services provide additional layers of security and ensure that published articles remain accessible even if the journal ceases publication.

5. Version Control

  • In the event of updates or corrections to published articles, a clear version control system is in place. All changes will be documented, and updated articles will remain accessible alongside the original version to maintain transparency and integrity.

6. Withdrawal Policy

  • Articles may be withdrawn in cases of plagiarism, unethical research practices, or significant errors. The reasons for withdrawal will be clearly stated, and the article will remain accessible in an archived form, marked as withdrawn.

7. Future Accessibility

  • APPHA is committed to ensuring that its content remains accessible for future generations of researchers and practitioners. The journal will continually evaluate and adapt its archiving practices to meet evolving standards and technologies.

8. Contact Information

For inquiries regarding the Archive Policy or any related issues, please contact the editorial office at