About the Journal
Advances in Management Innovation (AMI)
- Journal Title: Advances in Management Innovation
- Initials: AMI
- Frequency: September-March (6 Monthly)
- E-ISSN: 3063-6280 (Online - Electronic)
- P-ISNN: 3063-6272 (Data-Print)
- Editor-in-Chief: Agus Dwianto., S.E., M.Ak
- DOI: 10.69725
- ID ORCID: 0009-0005-8706-7164
- Publisher: Inovasi Analisis Data
- Accreditation: On Procces
- Publication Fee: Submition Free
- Data Access: Open Access Gold
- Indexing: Submission process to credible portals such as ISSN, Scopus, Web of Science, DOAJ, Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, OpenAIRE, Zenodo, Copernicus, and others.
AMI aims to enhance the visibility and accessibility of published research through its commitment to high-quality editorial standards and indexing in reputable databases.