
Rekrutmen Reviewer dan Editor untuk Journal Economic Business Innovation (JEBI)

We are pleased to announce that Journal Economic Business Innovation (JEBI) opens opportunities for experienced and competent professionals to join as Reviewers and Editors in our journal.

JEBI is a scholarly journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in economics and business innovation. We invite talented, passionate individuals with expertise in economics and business to join our editorial team.

Criteria and Requirements:
- Experience in research and scholarly publications related to economics and business innovation.
- Strong academic credentials, at least a bachelor's degree in a related field.
- Good analytical and evaluation skills.
- Ability to provide constructive and critical feedback.
- Willingness to actively participate in the review and editorial process.

Cara Mendaftar:
Please complete the registration form below to apply as a Reviewer or Editor:
[Pendaftaran Online]

Group WhatsApp:
Join our WhatsApp group to get the latest updates and interact with fellow editorial team members:
[Grup WhatsApp]

We look forward to seeing the participation of many qualified professionals who are passionate about advancing economic research and business innovation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us via .

Best regards,

JEBI Board of Editors