Archive Policy

Journal of Innovative Economics and Business (JIEB) Archive Policy

1. Archiving Purpose: 
   The archive policy of the Journal of Innovative Economics and Business (JIEB) aims to ensure the long-term accessibility and availability of published content within the journal.

2. Storage and Access: 
   All articles published in JIEB will be stored in a secure and well-managed digital archive. This archive will be maintained by the journal's publisher to ensure that the content remains accessible to readers.

3. Openness of the Archive: 
   The JIEB archive will be maintained to remain open to the general public. Readers will have unrestricted access to the journal's archive to read, download, and use the published articles.

4. Continuity Maintenance: 
   The journal's publisher will be responsible for maintaining the continuity of the archive, ensuring that there are no disruptions in accessibility to the published articles. This will allow readers to refer back to relevant articles whenever necessary.

5. Policy Updates: 
   The archive policy of JIEB may be revised or updated as per the needs of the journal and prevailing industry standards. Any changes will be communicated to readers through the journal's website or other official notifications.

With this archive policy, the Journal of Innovative Economics and Business (JIEB) is committed to maintaining the continuity and openness in providing access to knowledge and research in the fields of economics and business.