The plagiarism policy for Innovations in Midwifery & Child Health Practices (IMCHP) is as follows:
Plagiarism Threshold:
- Authors submitting manuscripts to IMCHP must ensure that the similarity score of their manuscript does not exceed 12% as detected by plagiarism detection software.
Plagiarism Detection:
- Authors are required to submit their manuscripts through the journal's submission system, which includes a plagiarism detection tool such as Turnitin.
- The plagiarism detection software will analyze the manuscript for similarities with previously published works and generate a similarity report.
APA Style Citation:
- Authors should ensure that all citations and references in their manuscript adhere to the APA Style 7th edition guidelines.
- Proper citation and referencing of sources are essential to acknowledge the contributions of other researchers and avoid plagiarism.
Use of Mendeley Desktop:
- Authors are strongly encouraged to manage their references using Mendeley Desktop, a reference management software.
- Mendeley Desktop facilitates the organization of references, citation insertion, and bibliography generation according to APA Style guidelines.
Plagiarism Review Process:
- Upon submission, the editorial team will review the manuscript for compliance with the plagiarism policy.
- Manuscripts that exceed the 12% similarity threshold or contain significant instances of plagiarism will be returned to the authors for revision or rejected outright.
Author Responsibilities:
- Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work and avoiding all forms of plagiarism, including verbatim copying, paraphrasing without proper attribution, and self-plagiarism.
- Authors should cite and reference all sources accurately and appropriately in their manuscript.
Consequences of Plagiarism:
- Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism or academic misconduct may be rejected or retracted from publication.
- Authors who engage in plagiarism may be subject to sanctions, including being banned from submitting to IMCHP in the future.
By implementing a stringent plagiarism policy, IMCHP upholds academic integrity and ensures that published research is original, credible, and ethically sound. Authors are reminded to adhere to the plagiarism policy and ethical standards throughout the manuscript preparation and submission process.