Peer Reviewers

International Reviewers;

  1. Beenish Sarfaraz, Ph.D., (Scopus, Scholar, Wos, Orcid)., Development & Family Studies, Univeristy,  of Connecticut USA.
  2. Gehad Mohammed Sultan Saif PhD., (Scopus, Scholar, Wos, Orcid)., Master in Accounting, MBA Finance, Bachelor of Science With Honors in Accounting, University of Aden - Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Aden, Yemen.
  3. Lamin Kaira M.Ak, (Scopus, Scholar, Wos)., Master in Accounting, MBA Finance, Bachelor of Science with honor in Accounting., Njala University Sierra Leone, Africa.
  4. Caroline Jariatu Bah, Ph.D., (Scopus, Scholar, Wos)., Department of Business Management and Administration, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, Ernest Bai Koroma University, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
  5. Ibrahim Rahman Turay., Ph.D., (Scopus, Scholar, Wos)., Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology is one of the public Universities in Sierra Leone, West Africa.
  6. Mohamed Kamara Ph.D., (Scopus, Scholar, Wos)., Accounting, Faculty Of Economic, Xiamen University, 422 Siming S Rd, Siming District, Xiamen, China.

Indonesia Reviewers;

  1. Veronika A. M. Kantus, S.E., MBA., (Scopus, Sinta, Orcid, Scholar)., Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, Indonesia.
  2. Dr. Payamta, M.Si., AK., CPA., (Scopus, Sinta, Orcid, Scholar)., Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia.
  3. Prof. Agung Nur Probohudono, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D., Ak., CA.,CfrA., (Scopus, Sinta, Orcid, Scholar)., Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia.
  4. Dr. Ir. Dahlan Abdullah, M.Kom, IPU, ASEAN Eng., (ID: Scopus, Sinta, OrcidScholar, Wos)., Master of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia.
  5. Diana Puspitasari, SE, MM, (ID: Scopus, Sinta , Cendekiawan , Wos). Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia.
  6. Arief Himmawan Dwi Nugroho, SE, MM, MSi, Ak, CA, CPA., (ID: Scopus, Sinta, Cendekiawan , Wos). Department of Economics & Business, Universitas Stikubank Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia.
  7. Wawan Setiawan SE, MM, (ID: Scopus, Sinta, Cendekiawan, Wos). Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia.
  8. Dr. Banu Witono, SE, M.Si, (ID: Scopus, Sinta , Cendekiawan , Wos). Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
  9. Dr. Ari Kristin Prasetyoningrum., SE., M.Si. (ID: Scopus, Sinta , Cendekiawan , Wos). Department of Management, Faculty of Economy, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
  10. Yosephine Angelina SE, MM, (ID: Scopus, Sinta , Cendekiawan , Wos). Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Dharma AUB Surakarta, Indonesia
  11. Yenni Khristina, ST, M.Si,. (ID: Scopus, Sinta, Cendekiawan, Wos). Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Dharma AUB Surakarta, Indonesia
  12. Muhammad Rafi'i Sanjani, SEI, SAYA (ID: Scopus, Sinta, Cendekiawan, Wos). Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa, Indonesia.
  13. Kusuma wijaya, SE, M.Ak., CPHRM. (ID: Scopus, Sinta, Cendekiawan, Wos). Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics, Institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pekalongan, Pekalongan, Indonesia.
  14. Dr. Agus Tri Basuki, SEMSi, (ID: Scopus, Sinta , Cendekiawan , Wos). Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
  15. Rizki Ridhasyah, S.Ak., M.Ak., Ak., (ID: ScopusSintaCendekiawan, Wos), Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Selamat Sri, Kabupaten Kendal, Negara Indonesia.